Monday, 1 October 2012

Getting back on track.

I lied.
I didn't do what I was going to do when I said I was going to do it. I realise this makes me the most evil type of sinner in some peoples eyes, but they're weird. Truth is, I'm an idle facker, ask anyone who knows me.

Hey ho, stuff has happened though. TT has started again, 1st match in the Newbury league this season gave me my 1st singles win in this league - this is my 3rd season - and it's division 1 too. Go me!
2 nights later I played in the Didcot league for my team (nay, club) Upton (A) Village TTC in Division 2 and won 2 of my 3 singles matches. Prob should have won all 3 but played like a soggy fanny in the 5th end after coming back from 10-6 down to win the 4th end. Long time team-mate and buddy Jim Tripp got revenge for me though by whooping young Charlie a good'un in 4. Nice one Jimmer. Sadly though, we lost the match 7-3 so only 2 points from our first match of the year.

I did manage to get out for a run on Sunday gone (30th Sept) after nearly 2 weeks of nowt. Was only a 5 miler but proved to be quite hard work towards the end, it being uphill for the last mile and against the wind, nice to get out there again though. I have since decided to get back on the sub 45 10k thing again and have decided to give the Adidas miCoach app and training jobby another go. This will start mid-October and last for 20 weeks so I shall see if I can find a nice local 10k race at the beginning of March.
I have a couple of weeks to get the legs back on before this all starts so will be chucking in at least 3 runs a week until then, just to get them going and get them used to running properly. Logistically, especially this week, this is going to be quite tricky to get them in, but I think I've got it sorted. Tues morning run into work, Tues evening ride home to fetch Sammy from Beavers, wed morning and evening will be biked followed by a run into work on Thurs. Shall most likely ride in on Fri then bus it home in the evening so I can run in on sat morn. Might even make that sat morning run a 10k'er, I will let you know.

One last thing before I bugger off for a while. I have started to do one of the programmes, (yes a running based one) on the Adidas miCoach game that I won care of Cathy's blog 'ere.
It was easy enough to get the hang of, the famous sporty type on the tele does an exercise and you copy them doing the same move at the same time, easy enough. I fear however I was wearing the wrong type of clothing - jim jams - well it was 5 in the morning! I managed to get most of the exercises done but had to skip a couple of them as Wall-E (the Kinect unit) wasn't picking up the movement very well, I shall blame the baggy sleep troose. Also, it didn't help having a cat crawling about squeaking in my ear and appearing on the tele next to me. Effing thing.
Still, I now have a better understanding of Wall-E and what he can and cannot see and will be better prepared for my workout on wed morning. I shall update again soon.
