Saturday, 8 June 2013

Super Sparrow!

Nice short bloggy today after my epic yesterday, plus I have another to write today, just to get me up to date.

It is really just an update on the status of the feather-ed cat escaper, and of course to provide evidence of Juneathon Day 7, which was a nice and steady bimble home, just to try and let the legs have a bit of a rest before the mileage/effort gets hoofed up a notch.

Once I had got home, I was already aware I would have to go a-hunt'n for yon birdie. I was informed by the nearest that it had yet again escaped the clutches of all 5 of our cats several times throughout the day. It had taken refuge in our bedroom, then the kitchen which it was discovered to be lurking in the bin bag on the floor. It then appeared in the bedroom again, which was the last place it was heard. All the other doors were shut ready for my attempts at raptor capture.
Into the bedroom I went, pulled the bed out, had a shufftee behind and under all the cupboards and wardrobe as well as all the crap on the floor. Not, as they say, a dickie bird. Bastard thing!
Bugger it, says I, I'm off for a piddle.......*opens bathroom door*............
"Err, chelle?"
"I've found the birdie!"
*Wife enters, stage right looking pensive and twitchy* "Where is it?"
"The little effer is sitting in the bath!"

And lo, there it was perched upon the boys' bath toys, not in the best of shape, which is not surprising really when you think what it's been through in the last 36 hours.
I didn't like to cause it anymore stress, I didn't look like it was going to last much longer anyway so I just put a large jug over the top of it and what it was sitting on and took it outside as far away from the cats as I could and set it down amonst the long grass and bushes. I hope it survives but I seriously doubt it made through the night.

So, that's it from me, for a couple of hours anyway. See thee soon.

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