Saturday, 15 September 2012

The day after the day after the vow.

Did you read my previous post where I decided not to be a 77kg lump of congealed custard?
Then you are a very good/naughty* person. If you are the latter - have a shufftee here before you read on.

I went home on Friday via the new chip van which has just appeared in the village, and I was seriously looking forward to fish n chippies, I had decided that this would be a sort of final treat before I made a proper effort at burning off the lard and getting fitter. Fish was off as the big fryer they were using for the fish had packed up so had to settle for jumbo banger and chips with mushy peas instead, and at £2.70 for the lot I was defo not going to complain.
It was very VERY yummy too, the portion size was pretty much bang on and the chips were nice and crisp and hardly greasy at all, which was a bonus.
As soon as I'd finished my food I scuttled off to the bathroom to weigh myself - 76kg! I had lost weight since Monday morning (was 76.6kg) despite only going to the gym twice and one run session on the Tuesday, and stuffing my greedy chops with sweets, crisps and other crap.

Imagine then my surprise on Saturday morning, just to check, I did leapings upon the scales again - 74.6! What in the name of Batman's Kevlar underpants is going on? I don't know, let's just hope I see results.
I have decided by the way that my target weight will be 67kg.

I did my promised run into work on the Saturday morning too, and I'm so glad I did, and so glad I decided at the last minute to take a different route. The sunrise and the mist in the fields at 6.30 in the morning really are special in Oxfordshire. If you don't normally do early morning runs I strongly urge you to do so, they are so much more quiet and peaceful than any other time of day. My prescribed stretches were also completed, I seriously hope I grow to like them or I see improvements in my running, they are horrible.

I shall carry on the happy from my previous post too. You may have read I had heard back from Dandoy and they have agreed to re-issue my new TT bat. Well, on Saturday afternoon I found out I had won a copy of the Adidas miCoach game for Xbox 360 courtesy of this blog here. Go and have a read of that if you've got some time to spare, and even if you haven't. If you're a hardcore runner there is another comp Cathy is doing, if I wasn't broken I would be straight in there.
Check back here in a while for a review of the miCoach game, I will incorporate it into my regime when poss.

See you all again soon. There will be more weight & blubber updates soon.


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