Friday, 23 January 2015

Try, try and try again.

Ok so my jogging, logging and blogging effort failed again as it usually does but it was nice to be able to say one night to another dad whilst picking up our kids from Cubs "I've run every day this year". The following day, my legs told me to eff off. I don't blame them really, they were getting a bit sore, but mostly from impact shock rather than muscular hurty's, which is sort of good. 

I didn't completely stop exercising, just jogs n logs. Carried on cycling to and from work as well as going back to TKD and more TT matches. 
Come to think of it, there is possibly only 1 day so far when I haven't done any form proper exercise. Yes, TT is proper exercise! Unfortunately there is no section on the running free website for ping pong and martial arts, and the ride into work isn't really worth logging. 

Still, there are plenty of Janathoners still going, and the very best of jolly luck to them all. 

I have run again since the early morning failing, and I will get back on it as I train for Abingdon Marathon. I will also try and review that Wahoo HRM thingy too. It's quite a funky little gadget, it's just a shame there is no website for a more in-depth geek out. 


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