Monday, 1 October 2012

Getting back on track.

I lied.
I didn't do what I was going to do when I said I was going to do it. I realise this makes me the most evil type of sinner in some peoples eyes, but they're weird. Truth is, I'm an idle facker, ask anyone who knows me.

Hey ho, stuff has happened though. TT has started again, 1st match in the Newbury league this season gave me my 1st singles win in this league - this is my 3rd season - and it's division 1 too. Go me!
2 nights later I played in the Didcot league for my team (nay, club) Upton (A) Village TTC in Division 2 and won 2 of my 3 singles matches. Prob should have won all 3 but played like a soggy fanny in the 5th end after coming back from 10-6 down to win the 4th end. Long time team-mate and buddy Jim Tripp got revenge for me though by whooping young Charlie a good'un in 4. Nice one Jimmer. Sadly though, we lost the match 7-3 so only 2 points from our first match of the year.

I did manage to get out for a run on Sunday gone (30th Sept) after nearly 2 weeks of nowt. Was only a 5 miler but proved to be quite hard work towards the end, it being uphill for the last mile and against the wind, nice to get out there again though. I have since decided to get back on the sub 45 10k thing again and have decided to give the Adidas miCoach app and training jobby another go. This will start mid-October and last for 20 weeks so I shall see if I can find a nice local 10k race at the beginning of March.
I have a couple of weeks to get the legs back on before this all starts so will be chucking in at least 3 runs a week until then, just to get them going and get them used to running properly. Logistically, especially this week, this is going to be quite tricky to get them in, but I think I've got it sorted. Tues morning run into work, Tues evening ride home to fetch Sammy from Beavers, wed morning and evening will be biked followed by a run into work on Thurs. Shall most likely ride in on Fri then bus it home in the evening so I can run in on sat morn. Might even make that sat morning run a 10k'er, I will let you know.

One last thing before I bugger off for a while. I have started to do one of the programmes, (yes a running based one) on the Adidas miCoach game that I won care of Cathy's blog 'ere.
It was easy enough to get the hang of, the famous sporty type on the tele does an exercise and you copy them doing the same move at the same time, easy enough. I fear however I was wearing the wrong type of clothing - jim jams - well it was 5 in the morning! I managed to get most of the exercises done but had to skip a couple of them as Wall-E (the Kinect unit) wasn't picking up the movement very well, I shall blame the baggy sleep troose. Also, it didn't help having a cat crawling about squeaking in my ear and appearing on the tele next to me. Effing thing.
Still, I now have a better understanding of Wall-E and what he can and cannot see and will be better prepared for my workout on wed morning. I shall update again soon.


Saturday, 15 September 2012

The day after the day after the vow.

Did you read my previous post where I decided not to be a 77kg lump of congealed custard?
Then you are a very good/naughty* person. If you are the latter - have a shufftee here before you read on.

I went home on Friday via the new chip van which has just appeared in the village, and I was seriously looking forward to fish n chippies, I had decided that this would be a sort of final treat before I made a proper effort at burning off the lard and getting fitter. Fish was off as the big fryer they were using for the fish had packed up so had to settle for jumbo banger and chips with mushy peas instead, and at £2.70 for the lot I was defo not going to complain.
It was very VERY yummy too, the portion size was pretty much bang on and the chips were nice and crisp and hardly greasy at all, which was a bonus.
As soon as I'd finished my food I scuttled off to the bathroom to weigh myself - 76kg! I had lost weight since Monday morning (was 76.6kg) despite only going to the gym twice and one run session on the Tuesday, and stuffing my greedy chops with sweets, crisps and other crap.

Imagine then my surprise on Saturday morning, just to check, I did leapings upon the scales again - 74.6! What in the name of Batman's Kevlar underpants is going on? I don't know, let's just hope I see results.
I have decided by the way that my target weight will be 67kg.

I did my promised run into work on the Saturday morning too, and I'm so glad I did, and so glad I decided at the last minute to take a different route. The sunrise and the mist in the fields at 6.30 in the morning really are special in Oxfordshire. If you don't normally do early morning runs I strongly urge you to do so, they are so much more quiet and peaceful than any other time of day. My prescribed stretches were also completed, I seriously hope I grow to like them or I see improvements in my running, they are horrible.

I shall carry on the happy from my previous post too. You may have read I had heard back from Dandoy and they have agreed to re-issue my new TT bat. Well, on Saturday afternoon I found out I had won a copy of the Adidas miCoach game for Xbox 360 courtesy of this blog here. Go and have a read of that if you've got some time to spare, and even if you haven't. If you're a hardcore runner there is another comp Cathy is doing, if I wasn't broken I would be straight in there.
Check back here in a while for a review of the miCoach game, I will incorporate it into my regime when poss.

See you all again soon. There will be more weight & blubber updates soon.


Friday, 14 September 2012

Lardy boi!

So, today I have decided I will not reach the dizzy heights of 77kg again, if I can help it. At this point, I don’t actually know if I am 77kg, but as I weighed 76.6kg on Monday morning, and I have not done a great deal of exercise this week as well as stuffed myself with fish and chips (or at least will have by the time I go to bed) and a bag of choccy raisins (my new favourite sweetie) I am pretty sure I am that massive.

I have managed to start getting back in the gym this week, just the 2 sessions on Tuesday and Friday morning before work. I will continue this as of Monday. Last weekend I attended a gait analysis session run by The Running School, and a top chap called Steiner.
He filmed me running and told and showed me why I keep injuring myself and why I’m likely to cripple myself in the future. In a nutshell – straight legs on landing (on my heels) and twisting shoulders.
You wanna see it? Here you go:

On the Tuesday, Steiner came back and gave us at the club a running master class. I will just say VERY OUCHY! It was an eyeopener I can tell you.
I also have some stretching exercises given to me by Ross (Physio at my gym) to help strengthen my butt cheeks – seriously! Also they will help with my balance. As these stretches and things will take around 45 mins I will be doing them at work, it’s the only time I’ll get a chance.

Trying to get my weight down, or more precisely my body fat levels down, I will be getting stuck into my running again starting with a run to work on Sat morning in which I will do the things Steiner has recommended. I will do this like an interval session, if I can! This will hurt.

In other news, it looks like I will finally receive my new Table Tennis bat. Dandoy Sports in Belgium have agreed to re-issue me my bat, which Yodel managed to lose somehow. I will put the details of that on here at a later date though.

Cheers chummies.

Monday, 10 September 2012

I'm baaaack!

Hello my Cherubicly patient, if somewhat misguided followers.

How have you been since I went away, did you miss me?

Ahhh, bless thee, that's nice.

Righty ho then, to business. What have I done since my last blog back in January? Well, aside from getting more injured, not much really. Had to quit the Janathon because of shin splints, Table Tennis season went to shit, the gym went out the window and I have discovered that I have an (slightly) atrophied right arse cheek.
On the plus side, the new TT season starts very soon, though I still need a new bat, I got some very shiny new running shoes - Kinvara 3's for the road and Peregrine's for trail (both Saucony btw) - and ditched the Mizuno's.
Because of various types of rubbishness in the leg dept. I've not been able to race much though I have managed do my first Parkrun - at Abingdon, in which I fetched up the rather unexpected time of 21:39. I'm waiting until I'm considerably fitter before I go back for my second go as I want to get that time below 21 mins.
I have also managed to take part in the Toad Hall 10k in Pangbourne. This was nasty but excellent. Nasty because I had in nooo way trained for it and it was far hillier than I had expected, as a consequence I WALKED some of it - I hate walking in a running race. I don't hate other people for doing it you understand, I hate it when I walk, it gives me a massive feeling of weakness and makes me feel like I have failed. I realise there is nothing wrong what so ever with walking during a race, it's just a personal thing. Anyway, I managed to drag my sorry carcass round in 51:16 (just had to look it up!) which thinking about it wasn't that bad considering my 10k pb is 45:47 & that was set at the pan-flat Oxford Town & Gown last year. Still, I know what to expect and fully aim to go sub 45 at Toad Hall next year, sounds a bit rubbish don't it but when you consider going sub 45 this year would've got a top 12 position, that might give you some idea how hard this course is. I having that next year!

I'm still undecided as to whether I want to take part in this year's X-country season, it starts in November so I suppose I should make my mind up quick sticks. Must speak to my management team (the wife and kids!) and see what happens. I think I should do.

That'll do me for today I think. I will return hence when I get the chance. Until then, tinkety tonk.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Janathon Day 4 - The Lazy One.

Aye, you read it right - L.A.Z.Y.

I was supposed to go to the gym this morning but was too lazy to get the finger out andget a shift on. I was up early enough no problem thanks to wee George (no. 2 son) who decided that 5am was a sensible and healthy time to get up, which was also 10 mins earlier than myalarm was set for. Why I just didn't get on with stuff like I should have done I shallnever know, I shall however without the slightest of doubt, not get on with stuff again.
The problem with not getting on with stuff is that I start work at 7am. You can see problems already can't you. I don't have the option of going to the gym in the evening soit HAS to be in the morning before work. The nearest gym to me is The Exercise Lounge in Didcot, who open the earliest in the area too, at 6:15.
For me to get a decent workout I have to be waiting at the door when they open. I then have to squeeze the workout into 30 mins before getting changed and leaving for work. I didn't leave the flat till 6:15 due to my idleness, so straight to work it was for me. The night officer was very surprised to see me beeping to get in at 6:30.

Today's run was also lazy, but by jebus didn't that wind pick up! The short route home (as requested by wifey), which was not a bad thing as my legs are still feeling the effects of the first 3 days of Janathon. Probably best not to go silly today anyway as I have a double run planned for tomorrow as well as my first TT match of the year.
I shall prob post tomorrows blog on Friday morning, or at least very late tomorrow night unless I get a chance to write it during the match.

Until next time chummies.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Janathon Day 3 - The Windy Effer!

What? It was bloody windy, but luckily because of my route this morning - it's basically a rough "V" shape - it was only in my face in the 2nd half, which I think you will all agree, is the worst half of a run to have a head-wind. 1st half was lovely, not sure mysplits will show it though. I shall have a shufftee later, you can to if you like, just click here.
I was surprised by my average pace though, once I'd got to work. It was 5 mins/km. Iwas surprised because it was faster than last nights 10k run home though it felt a plop sight slower. I guess this is a good thing and that my running legs are coming back tome, which is jolly good news as I fully intend to train for a sub 40 min 10k in an attemptto hit sub 50 mins for Wantage Tri's run stage of 12k.
My goal btw for Wantage Tri is not just to finish, but to finish well - top 20 would be magic, & the only person who can help me do that is me.

Next planned run is tomorrow evening so i have a good few hours to recover. I do havea gym session planned for tomorrow morning which will mainly consist of a core, arms& shoulder workout. Legs, & in particular, squats, can wait till after Janathon as I think they are affecting my knee along with the cycling.

Anyway, that's enough spout from me. By reading this you're making an excuse for yourself not to get out and exercise, get out there dammit, its only a bit of wind and rain.


Monday, 2 January 2012

Janathon 2: The Return of the Icy Bastard

Yes, it’s back well and truly now, although it’s not yet especially icy in the Oxfordshire area. I can smell it in the air mind, it’s not far away by gum, oh good golly gosh no. Spikes are at the ready, all tucked away in my “running” drawer ready to leap to my rescue at the slightest hint of the slippy stuff. I say slightest hint, I’ll probably wait till it’s snowed before I put them on.

It being a bank hol today I had to work, and getting paid to sit on one’s chuff doing as little as possible is always a good incentive. It did however mean that I had to miss the shinier part of the day in which it would have been ideal to run in. Still, as I do 12 hour shifts, shiny parts of days are usually seen and felt through glazing and brickwork. Very boo indeed. I am usually relegated to running in the dark, especially when it comes to the winter months so it’s a damn good job I like running in the dark, except for on-coming traffic though, that can just about go and do one, stupid drivers and their obsession with turning everything into daylight and blinding all living creatures.

So anyway, to the run.
I was going to fanny out and just run the 6+ km from work to home but perversely, as the weather worsened throughout the day I found myself wanting to hit another 10k burn up for day 2. Seriously, the more the wind picked up and the colder it got, the more I wanted to do it, then it rained too. RAAAAHHHHHH! 10k loop it is then. Only semi-hardcore though, must be old age kicking in! Snigger fnarr fnarr.

Not as quick as yesterday but then the legs were a bit on the tight side, but I’m hoping that as long as I don’t crip myself again like I did in the Juneathon, by running too far too soon, I should be able to run through whimpy aches and hurty types.
It was a pleasant enough run though, and nice to listen to choonz again for a change rather than an audio book. May do the same route but in reverse tomorrow morning for day 3. Check back here to find out.

Laters, innit.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Hi ho hi ho, it's on a thon we go.

It's here b's n g's, the Olympic Janathon, and I'm buggered if I'm going to let this effer beat me this time round.
Firstly, happy new year to you one and each, I hope you all have a spankingly good year, with only the mearest hint of misery tucked in there at some point. Come on, you know it will happen!

Bugger it, I've drawn a blank!..........................

I would just bang on about my run but that would be boring as it was raining and only 10k into Didders and back. I am happy with my knee though, only the slightest touch of hurty right at the start which had worn off before the 1st km was in the watch, so that was very welcome and really rather spiffing.

I did carry out a little experiment on the internal GPS thingies in phones. I took both my new Samsung Galaxy S2 and my old skanky iPhone 3G just to see how much more accurate the GPS was now. The answer? - Really quite considerably. Both phones were using Runkeeper (the same account) with both the same settings with the only difference being I was listening to Alan Partridge (yes, again!) through the S2 and I had an audio cue telling me when I went through each km. This was done by the way so I knew what my splits were as for some random reason, this feature is not yet available in RK for Android. The route I took was, I knew, 10k so I was keen to see the difference. S2 won hands down!
I would love to give you the result of the 3G GPS but I retardedly deleted the thing before I realised I would want to put the results in here.

I was also going to were my cheapy HRM which I had (yes, had) yet to use properly, but as I was laying still trying to get my HR down to resting rate before the run, which I needed to do so it could work out my fitness level, the stupid thing would go from 49 bpm (just above proper RHR) to 130. This I knew to be twaddle. Guess where my cheapy HRM went? Yup, Dusty Bin got some techy lunch.
I kept the watch though just because its quite comfy to wear, and err, it's a watch and I like watches.
I want to get a shiny new HRM/GPS watch, and I know which one too. Anyone got £400 spare?

That's enough blather from me today. Fear not my dears, I shall return on the morrow.
Well done to all the Janathoners that made it out today. Here's to hopefully seeing you all at Hyde Park in Feb.

Chin chin.