Thursday, 9 June 2011

Where'd my go-go mojo go-go?

Bless me what an crappy couple of days of not much running at all! Below follows days 8 & 9 of juneathon 2011. Mainly because I couldn't be arsed to blog last night, but hey, in the words of Mr. Incredible, "I've still got time".

Day 8.
I was hoping that my legs would have recovered enough from the previous weeks efforts for me to bash out another 10 miler, but alas, 'twas a bollocks and not going to happen. Shame really as my work colleague came in to relieve me nice and early too so I still would have got home earlier than usual, but it was not to be. This I had decided just about as soon as I started running. Ah well, thinks me, perhaps I'll go for the 6 mile route instead. I had until the roundabout at the top of the road to decide. Nuts to it, my central governor says, just go straight home you big wuss, so I did. The nice little 3.6 miler straight back home, no piddling about. When I get to harwell, I find that RK stopped as soon as it started! Most likely my fault though, I think I pressed "start" before the gps had locked. I had a time registered but no route, so my Juneathon for yesterday was, according to RK, 0.0 miles covered in 32 minutes. Bah!
That depressed me a bit and I began thinking I may just not bother with the rest of this
running thing, but I sat down and watched and ep. of Game of Thrones and had a cup of Twinnings green tea and chilled out hoping tomorrow will bring shinier running.

Day 9
Tomorrow came this morning, which was far too soon as far as I was concerned.
My alarm was set for 5am in the hope I would get my lazy bummocks out of bed, into my still very loved shiny shoes and off out for a 10 mile Juneathon.
Lazy bummocks won over and I reset my alarm for 6am. Bastids! That one failed too as George woke up and started howling for no apparent reason so I got up before the alarm went off again. Then went back to bed at 5.45 like a burk, and got back up 15 mins later. Unfortunately toilet duties took far too long, and I found myself still needing to get dressed at 6.25. Shitter, going to be late again!! I REALLY didn't want to run this morning, just couldn't be bothered in the slightest, but as I had no other means of getting to work, off I bally well went. Had to get there in record time though if I was to avoid being late. Needless to say I didn't, and was still late. I did manage it in just over 27 mins though, which considering the previous couple of shitty days, so that was nice.
A couple of things happened which not only woke me up properly but has perked up my running again. 1 - I had to sprint across a roundabout to avoid being splattered by a very large lorry, that got the old hammer a-thumping a bit and I smiled at that.
2 - A teeny bit further down the road I saw either a stoat or weasel, I'm not sure which but it's the one with the black tip on it's tail. This cheered me up the most as I love seeing wildlife actually running around and moving about in general rather than it being flattened in the middle of the road.

All in all, my mojo has returned before it really buggered off, but it was a damn close call I can tell you, but I am looking forward to running at the weekend now, which is very spankingly jolly. I may see if I can squeeze out 6 miles tomorrow morning before I go to the gym or I may not. Pretty sure I won't get another chance to get my run in after that.
We'll see what the morn bringeth.

Toodlepip each and all.


1 comment:

  1. Love the Dickensian "but alas, 'twas a bollocks" :-)
